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“A fun YA coming-of-age solarpunk fantasy that’s oozing with creativity and imagination.” – Marie Sinadjan, ‘Humans Media’
“I absolutely adore Amos. Like Harry Potter meets Lord of the Rings.” @book_st_gram
“My favorite book of the year.” – Brooke Auckerman @BrookLovesBooks23
“Full of excitement, adventure, and magic” – @lisabookishlife
“Once it got me turning the pages, I simply couldn’t stop. For me, that was the theme of Taoist thought, which gets me every time I encounter it in the wild. It is so beautiful — and here it is, like finding grass growing from glass. For other readers, the element that snags and pulls the imagination into this story might be one of a hundred others. That’s kind of this book’s magic…” – @Donasbooks
“The end left me gasping for the next installment,” – Richard Devall, Vine Voice

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Professional / Trade Reviews:
“Amos the Amazing is different from the stories I have seen before. It makes me feel the unique charm of a new narrative story that blends Eastern and Western cultures in a mysterious world of whimsy full of wild imagination and unforgettable characters, and I believe that children will love it.” – 停云 Xiao Hua Hua, Senior MG/YA Editor, Chongqing Publishing Group, Publisher of Massive Sci-Fi Bestseller “The Three-Body Problem”
“In this coming-of-age story, Amos grows to think of others more as he runs a race to save his soul and his grandfather’s life. While this book falls into the YA (Young Adult) category, I think it carries appeal for readers of all ages who enjoy the magic of childlike wonder. Amos the Amazing is highly imaginative and action-packed with well-choreographed fight scenes… which Jorah Kai accomplishes with finesse! I highly recommend this book to readers of all ages who enjoy books like Harry Potter or the Percy Jackson series. If you are ready for adventure and enjoy exploring new fantastical worlds safely from home, this one is for you. I give it a hearty 5 stars!” (Read full review here on Book Hookup) – Donna Sundblad, author of Dragonborn.
“Amos the Amazing is a bedazzling and delightful adventure through a world of wonderment and imagination. The world Jorah Kai has created is full of colorful characters, layered historical depth, and cultural splendor; it rivals Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter in complexity and creativity while maintaining specificity and believability—a recipe for pure literary amazement! This book is a wordsmith’s wonderland, a poet’s playground, and a linguist’s luxury cruiseliner that weaves a love for everything Chongqing into a tale that is sure to become an international classic. I already can’t wait to read the next installment in the series. Keep them coming, Jorah Kai!” – Garrett H. Jones, American Author and Publisher
“I love this book…I can’t wait to see where it goes!” – Erin Bledsoe, American Author, and Editor
“Refreshing. You lifted my spirits. Reminds me of the first time I read Neuromancer.” – Jessie G.
“Although not a traditional authority of any kind Kai proved to be an essential source of sanity and safety during the onset of COVID-19 pandemic. He truly is a warrior poet.” -ill Gates, bass music superstar
“Such eloquent wording. Reading (you) out loud is an absolute pleasure.” – 大兵哥
“Wow. No one ever writes this way. No one whose books I’ve read.” – Amber Lyn Mills, writer
“We’re not worthy; we’re not worthy! Your writing…is amazing.” – Amanda Blighty, writer
“A fantastic piece of writing. As a virus fanatic, I find this a fascinating and horrifying breakdown that is as gripping as the best mystery novel and scary as the worst-case apocalyptic sci-fi thriller. My curious hunger fuelled by burning interest and chilling horror cannot stop reading every word, turning every page.” – Rhett Morita, actor, director
“A gifted writer.”- Monika Brewster-Villiger, writer
“Jorah Kai is the canary in the coal mine. His notes from beyond the start of this pandemic should serve as a roadmap for how to survive what it looks like we are all, sadly, going to go through.” – Andrew ‘Myagi’ Mavor, dance music legend
“Kai’s writing is very interesting. Both the setting, a dystopian (yet nonfiction) future, and how the western world is watching (it) and reacting poorly. I like the pollution decreases, the contemplation on who wins in things like this, and who loses. There’s a hysteria – meritable or not, but the insight is thought-provoking.” – Ky-Lee Hanson, author, and publisher, Golden Brick Road Publishing House
“Your writing is so lyrical, factual, and heart-tugging all at the same time.” – Rebecca Lippiatt, photographer and scientist

Amos the Amazing

A 'Chinese Rock 'N Roll Harry Potter' meets 'A Darker Alice in Wonderland'
What happens when you take an almost-famous D&D dungeon master with a history of headlining major music festivals and breathing fire in the circus and send him to a mountain in China to sit alone with his own thoughts? A new epic solarpunk fantasy novel, somewhere between a 'Chinese Rock 'N Roll Harry Potter' and a 'Darker Alice in Wonderland.'
Finding time can be difficult in today’s hypermodern world. Making time, however, can be magick.
In 2038, in the SOLARPUNK futuristic city of Chongqing, a dangerous story gets told that threatens our entire multiverse. The world’s spiciest ice cream, a trip to Chongqing’s rural countryside, & a strange collection of curious belongings begin this unforgettable tale that mixes Solar Punk science fiction and high fantasy for a thrilling modern fairytale about a boy who risks his soul to chase a 9-tail fox into the dreamlands for the adventure of a lifetime and the chance to save his family.
"A fun YA coming-of-age solarpunk fantasy that's oozing with creativity and imagination." - Marie Sinadjan, ‘Humans Media’
"I absolutely adore Amos. Like Harry Potter meets Lord of the Rings." @book_st_gram
"My favorite book of the year." - Brooke Auckerman @BrookLovesBooks23
"Full of excitement, adventure, and magic" - @lisabookishlife
"Once it got me turning the pages, I simply couldn't stop. For me, that was the theme of Taoist thought, which gets me every time I encounter it in the wild. It is so beautiful -- and here it is, like finding grass growing from glass. For other readers, the element that snags and pulls the imagination into this story might be one of a hundred others. That's kind of this book's magic…" - @Donasbooks
"The end left me gasping for the next installment," - Richard Devall, Vine Voice
Amos, a puckish 12-year-old boy who hides his insecurities behind a mask of mischief, dons strange artifacts he uncovers from his father’s childhood bedroom. A peculiar power pulses through his body as he slips into a world of magic and monsters, where the dangerous-amber-eyed huli jing—a nine-tailed fox spirit—draws him out, steals his soul, and poisons his grandpa.
Against all odds, Amos chases the fox into the dreamland, where he meets friends and foes along the way on a perilous and fantastic journey to recover his soul before all is lost. A spine-tingling adventure full of imaginative characters and dazzling creatures, Amos the Amazing will delight adults, teens, and anyone who dares peer beyond the shadows.