Interview with an author
Jorah Kai sat down recently with fantasy author Donna Sundblad to discuss his publication of Amos the Amazing and writing.
Jorah Kai sat down recently with fantasy author Donna Sundblad to discuss his publication of Amos the Amazing and writing.
A special 1 hour teaser video for the upcoming (2023) audiobook release of Amos the Amazing, voice acted by award-winning voice actor, Christian Neale.
From December 1 until December 31st, Amos the Amazing is only $0.99 Kindle eBook (90% off!), and $8.99 ($1 off regular price) for paperback edition on the US store & all other carriers are […]
Every day is exactly the same again. I fight through the daily necessities of maintaining my body and our home, trying to carve time for my work, my writing, and my guitar. My pajamas are […]
It’s 8:30 pm, Tuesday, November 8, and Xiaolin and I leave the school to walk after dinner. We’ve been eating light for dinner, so tonight was a few steamed sweet potatoes and some fried broccoli […]
I awake, bleary-eyed, and pull my phone under the covers. I fish around under the pillow, find one earbud, and slip it into my ear. I will need some powerful morning music to leave the […]