The Aye of the Tiger (& the Habit of the Rabbit)
It’s the end of 2022, and the past three years have been a long and windy road. I have hope that things are going to be pretty good in some different ways in 2023. I […]
It’s the end of 2022, and the past three years have been a long and windy road. I have hope that things are going to be pretty good in some different ways in 2023. I […]
Editor’s note: It’s true. It’s been verified. Whether or not Goblins took More Publishing CEO prisoner, AMOS THE AMAZING is FREE as an EBOOK on all platforms from Winter Solstice to Spring Festival. The offer […]
China ditches health codes, lockdowns, and quarantines and joins the rest of the world as new variants rip through half the population. Canada Trip? It’s on.
Breaking news: Goblins attacked More Publishing early this morning, infecting Amos the Amazing, both the ebook and the printed paperback, with a series of bizarre typos. Several hours passed before Amos, and his friends woke […]
Jorah Kai sat down recently with fantasy author Donna Sundblad to discuss his publication of Amos the Amazing and writing.
A special 1 hour teaser video for the upcoming (2023) audiobook release of Amos the Amazing, voice acted by award-winning voice actor, Christian Neale.