A correspondence out of time: Letters from the Edge
So, I found a very challenging piece on Scribophile that wasn’t getting a lot of feedback, marked as Novel/Fiction, and decide to take the bait and critique and get into it. It’s a challenging piece […]

Scene Structure: Outlining for Writing Success
Hey fam, writing peeps in the future who may stumble across this article as they’re likely procrastinating working on their novel, or maybe, they’ve tucked aside some time for learning and planning and have come […]

#NaNoWriMo2017 #NewBook #AmosGoesElsewhere
So – it’s a new year, another November and I’ve started a new fantasy book that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. Time to put the pedal to the floor and get this […]

Camp NaNoWriMo and the Tales of Elsehwere
Wow! NaNoWriMo has blown my mind again. I’m a bit slow on the uptake but #NaNoWriMo is back, and it’s not just for my post-Halloween blues. April is now a Camp NaNoWriMo workshop. What is […]

Co-Authoring, Writing Everyday, Lifelong Learning
It’s a busy life. Every day I’m either teaching writing, reading about writing, reading or writing. When I relax, I’m studying a film for its writing or reading something to gain inspiration about someone else’s […]