THE LIGHTHOUSE: Book II A Canadian’s COVID-19 Diary in Chongqing Forward From January 25 to the middle of March, China had been at the highest level of emergency. Wuhan was been on a wartime footing […]
THE LIGHTHOUSE: Book II A Canadian’s COVID-19 Diary in Chongqing Forward From January 25 to the middle of March, China had been at the highest level of emergency. Wuhan was been on a wartime footing […]
Daily diary and notes inside China during the COVID-19 outbreak of 2019-2020, sharing the story and collecting notes for a book project tentatively called ‘Year of the Rat’. Forward Jorah Kai Wood lives in Chongqing, […]
Daily diary and notes inside China during the COVID-19 outbreak of 2019-2020, sharing the story and collecting notes for a book project tentatively called ‘Year of the Rat’. Forward Jorah Kai Wood lives in Chongqing, […]