Sunburns, Storms, & Soundtracks: An Absurd Canadian’s Unorthodox Guide to Navigating a Typhoon at the Beach
Caught in the path of the recent Typhoon Talim, Kai reflects on being ‘like water.’
Caught in the path of the recent Typhoon Talim, Kai reflects on being ‘like water.’
It’s the end of 2022, and the past three years have been a long and windy road. I have hope that things are going to be pretty good in some different ways in 2023. I […]
Editor’s note: It’s true. It’s been verified. Whether or not Goblins took More Publishing CEO prisoner, AMOS THE AMAZING is FREE as an EBOOK on all platforms from Winter Solstice to Spring Festival. The offer […]
China ditches health codes, lockdowns, and quarantines and joins the rest of the world as new variants rip through half the population. Canada Trip? It’s on.
Jorah Kai sat down recently with fantasy author Donna Sundblad to discuss his publication of Amos the Amazing and writing.
I awake, bleary-eyed, and pull my phone under the covers. I fish around under the pillow, find one earbud, and slip it into my ear. I will need some powerful morning music to leave the […]