Camp NaNoWriMo and the Tales of Elsehwere
Wow! NaNoWriMo has blown my mind again. I’m a bit slow on the uptake but #NaNoWriMo is back, and it’s not just for my post-Halloween blues. April is now a Camp NaNoWriMo workshop. What is […]
Wow! NaNoWriMo has blown my mind again. I’m a bit slow on the uptake but #NaNoWriMo is back, and it’s not just for my post-Halloween blues. April is now a Camp NaNoWriMo workshop. What is […]
So with my Existential Mystery tale Where the Wicked Rest is currently in mired in the necessary and focussed world of editing limbo I’ve spent the last couple weeks emerged in a new project, serious […]