So after an incredible journey, I managed to publish my diary in China. This is the English edition, for sale on, paper copies will be out soon. The Chinese version is about to drop as well and it’s being reformated to sell in the West via a Canadian publisher.

Tomorrow I’ll also be doing a live podcast on Youtube to talk about the book on Expat show JaYoe Nation.

Matt, JaYoe Nation – American living in Ningbo China, Matt spent the beginning of the pandemic in China, then traveled to America and back to China.
Cyrus Janssen – American/China Expat who spent the time during the pandemic in North America.
Xiao, iChongqing – Xiao is a representative at iChongqing, the company that employs and supports Jorah Kai in his work on his book
Jorah Kai – Canadian Expat in China and author of The Invisible War. Http://